Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Leadership And Management In Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Leadership And Management In Organization - Essay Example Management, like leadership, is ethically neutral (Charan et al 2001). I understand that managers mobilize and allocate resources; they staff and ensure the continuing vitality of the team; they create and maintain appropriate procedures. They also direct, delegate, and coordinate, and they provide a system of incentives to motivate and encourage productive behavior. Managers also establish reporting systems, perform evaluations, and assign accountability. Common to both managers and leaders is the focus on the results they produce, which are based on the goals they pursue (Hoyle and Wilmore 2002). I would like to research the relations between leadership and managerial success as measured by achievement, not by the process used to accomplish the results. The research will benefit my personal communication skills and will help me to deal with difficult managerial situations in my job. Based on this results-oriented philosophy of management, the new definition of management focuses on outcome Remember that managerial performance is not judged entirely in terms of success or failure. Rather, performance is measured in terms of progress in relation to the goal. The focus is on lessons learned, and learning is a core value (Cole, 2005). In this sense, success becomes a journey, rather than a destination. We cannot produce positive results every time.
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Cuban Missile Crisis Essay Example for Free
The Cuban Missile Crisis Essay Remembered as perhaps the most intense episode of the Cold War due to its nuclear threat, the Cuban Missile Crisis has been analyzed extensively by historians hoping to construct an accurate picture of its cause and development. The tight control exercised by both Soviet and American government agencies, however, has limited access to relevant documents, and thus inhibited any objective study of the crisis. Until only a few years ago, most of the world would have agreed with Arthur Schlesinger Jr. s description of the event as a brilliantly controlled1 American victory- a paragon of US dedication, morale, and diplomatic skill. But as the National Security Archive has gradually opened access to key accounts, it has become apparent that what seemed so finely orchestrated was in fact wrought with misinformation, miscalculation, and misjudgment. 2 At the time, tensions were already running high due to the fierce military and psychological rivalry between superpowers, and problems within the Eastern and Western blocs themselves made it even easier to misinterpret political signals. Failures in intelligence and a general lack of central control further complicated the situation, fuelling the fires of mistrust that were already burning with the increased urgency that accompanies the prospect of nuclear war. From these revelations, we can conclude that initial assessments of the episode as a thirteen day affair are incorrect, that it was rather the result of long-term misunderstanding. And while deliberate deception did play a significant role in the development of the crisis, we must acknowledge that it was, for the most part, perpetuated by a combination of basic mistrust and political and military mishaps. It is with this knowledge in mind, then, that we proceed to examine the complex set of factors that brought the world to the brink of a cataclysmic war. The years leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis had seen a number of significant changes in the Cold War conflict. Things were very unstable, as new faces became prominent, new nations were born, and the rivalry between superpowers reached previously unvisited levels, both high and low, as Soviet and American governments experimented with foreign policy. While these factors had a significant influence on the status quo in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres, their effect was particularly marked within Khrushchevs domain, as he sought to assert his individuality by introducing anti-Stalinist mechanisms. His advocation of peaceful co-existence,3 and military disarmament, as well as his insistence on publicly denouncing Stalin, met with fiery opposition from within the Kremlin, and, by 1957, it had become apparent that he was losing control of the formerly centralized Communist world. With rebellions springing up across Eastern Europe, then, and China beginning to pursue a course independent of Khrushchevs support, it had become clear that a firm reinstatement of Soviet authority was needed, and soon. The pressure that this goal put on Khrushchev, and the conflicts between him and his advisers caused Soviet foreign policy to fluctuate drastically. After pursuing what seemed what seemed like rapprochement at Camp David, and making an amiable visit to the United States, the Soviet leader suddenly reverted to hostile tactics, refusing to negotiate over Berlin, and assuming a suspicious attitude about US actions in Europe. This dramatic change of approach was best displayed in the fact that, after years of silence on offensive American overflights, he unexpectedly ordered a U2 plane that was photographing Soviet territory shot down. Khrushchev went on to cite this incident as the cause for his failure to attend the Paris Summit Conference in May, 1960. Obviously, such inconsistency sent mixed messages to the American administration, increasing their distrust. Suspicion of the Soviets escalated to a new high, as many key officials sided with former Secretary of State John Dulles in describing the period of peace as a tactical ploy to lure the West into a false sense of security, while (they) pursuedaggressive goals in disguise.4 The Soviet desire to reassert its strength and control caused even further problems when it extended past attempts to preserve Russias hegemony in Eastern Europe to actions intended to undermine the American public image. Ultimately, it became apparent over the next year or so that Soviet movements were double-edged, designed to consolidate, certainly, but also to probe US defenses, to determine the actual extent of its interest and loyalty to its allies in Europe. Their efforts in Berlin constituted one such probe, as the construction of the Berlin Wall was intended both to plug a hole in the iron curtain,5 and, at the same time, to break down the relationship between the United States and West Germany. The Soviets felt that if the Americans failed to intervene despite the West Berliners cries for help, this would weaken Germanys confidence in their US allies, and make a statement to the rest of NATO confirming their fear that the US was unable or unwilling to offer substantial resistance to Eastern strategies. This sentiment had arisen with the Soviet launching of Sputnik in 1957, a statement of its progress in the nuclear arms race. The Americans, meanwhile, were aware that their failure to follow through on some of their ideas for NATO, including the goal to increasetroop strength to fifty divisions,6 was giving the impression that US support was all talk. Further problems with the French over the establishment of the European Defense Committee threatened the cohesion of the Western bloc and engendered a need to reinforce US interest in Europe, a need which so paralleled the Soviet goals that it set the two superpowers up for an almost inevitable collision. In addition, the new president John F. Kennedy was experiencing similar problems to those faced by Khrushchev. Confronted with a hawkist faction within his body of advisers, Kennedy was constantly under pressure to be more aggressive, to abandon containment and start to roll back Communism. Just as disagreements within the Kremlin had caused confusion and misinterpretations of political moves, conflict inside the White House allowed American foreign policy t o appear fragmented and thus unpredictable. These things ensured that an already precarious situation was complicated by factors that masked the true intentions of each side. Cuba may seem an unlikely place for this clash between superpowers to occur, but since 1959 it has been a key symbol of resistance to US imperialism both in Latin America, and, on a grander scale, in the entire western hemisphere. In 1947, a Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance had been signed by the US and a number of South and Central American countries, apparently an alliance of similar design to NATO. It had been the source of much trouble, however, as the Latin Americans had envisioned the pact as a mechanism for their own economic development and security, not as a means by which the US could prevent Soviet expansion in this part of the globe. When ten years passed with little tangible aid, but plenty of American interference in the political system, the civilians grew dissatisfied, a sentiment which intensified as the US threatened leftist Colonel Arbenz of Guatemala with military opposition if he did not step down as premier. The Cubans especially resented this, and, when similar threats were raised against their Communist leader Fidel Castro, they turned to the Soviet Union for assistance. By the end of 1959, Cuba had become a Russian client state, and a useful foothold for the Soviets in the western hemisphere. Despite the intense antagonism that existed between the Russians and the Americans, the US administration did not view the close relationship between Castro and Khrushchev with any real alarm. This was because they felt that while the Soviets wanted to undermine the American public image, they were not willing to take action that could precipitate nuclear war. Thus, Kennedy was reasonably sure that his warning to the Soviets not to deploy missiles in Cuba would be obeyed in the interests of the common goal of nuclear non-proliferation. It came as a shock, then, when U2 planes flying over Cuban territory showed that several missile sites were under construction. This greatly increased the American mistrust of the Soviets, and, as correspondence began to flow between Moscow and Washington, it became apparent that there was an inherent difference in the way that the two superpowers defined the Cuban problem. For instance, the Americans felt that they had a right to know what was happening in their part of the world, complaining that the Kremlin had given repeated assurances of what (you were) not doing7- in effect, that it had lied to them. The Soviets, on the other hand, asserted that they were under no obligation to inform the U.S of any activities (they were) carrying on in a third country.8 This statement was probably only made to promote a sense of strength and independence, but it was, to the Americans, a sign that even the prospect of nuclear war could not deter the Soviets from their campaign of domination and expansion. It is clear from similar incidents that a need to appear strong led each superpower to use a certain degree of deception in its dealings with the other. This did not essentially cause the conflict, however; as already stated, the missile crisis had been set up by intensifications in the East-West rivalry long before Soviet ships carrying nuclear arms set sail. It would be more accurate to say, then, that the bluffing that went on only served to delay the resolution of the problem. In addition, it was effective in that it gave the world a false understanding that, particularly on the American front, could be manipulated by government officials in order to create a more favorable public impression. The United States especially made a significant effort to present the Soviet action as a dangerous attempt to change the world-wide status-quo,9 ridiculing their qualms about a possible invasion of Cuba. Recent studies have shown, however, that these concerns were not so unfounded as has been previously supposed. According to the US Archives, a plan for an operation against the Castro regime had been in existence since April 1960, entailing sabotage, infiltration, and psychological warfare, activities with military exercisesfor a possible invasion.10 It is also clear that President Kennedy was well aware of this throughout the crisis negotiations, having endorsed the scheme with the comment that its final success would require decisive military intervention11. We can only conclude that the Americans assumed the stance they did to protect their public image- seeking to mask the traces of imperialism in their attitude towards Cuba, and, at the same time, to undermine the Soviet positio n by presenting them as bad liars to the rest of the world. The Soviets were less successful, but just as determined, in their attempts to use deception to work the situation to their advantage. They, in turn, lied to the Americans in stating that no missiles will be placed in Cubawhich would (be)capable of reaching the United States,12 and again, later, in their claim that the deployment of missiles to Cuba was a purely deterrent move carried out to save Castro. While it is clear that there may have been something in the concerns about invasion, the writings of Khrushchev himself show that the strategy was also invented as a means of equalizing what the West likes to call balance of power. 13 The double-edged nature of this Soviet probe became even more obvious in the correspondence that took place between the Kremlin and the White House, as Khrushchev requested two separate concessions in return for removing the missiles- a no invasion pledge, and a promise that threatening nuclear bases in Turkey be dismantled. These missile bases may have actually triggered the Soviet action in Cuba, as they provided the US with an unanswered first-strike capability, and, incidentally, had become operational just a few weeks before ships began to cross from Russia to the Cuban coast. Known as the Jupiter missiles, these nuclear bases were an important part of a US statement intended to counter general lack of confidence in American support. They were also, however, essentially provocative,14 capable, as the Cuban crisis had shown, of precipitating a nuclear war. As the Americans weighed up these two factors, their concerns about their public image again caused them to revert to deceptive measures. Their inconsistency did not exactly impress the Russians, who were one day confronted with the announcement that the missiles in Turkey were NATOs decision,15 and the next, told that they would be removed if the Soviets kept the news of this concession from the American allies. In the end, however, the US administration judged correctly when it assumed that Khrushchev would happily forget about publicizing the agreement if he were given what he had asked for. The missiles in Turkey continued to be a central issue, though, as ongoing denial of any explicit Turkey-Cuba deal created the impression that the Cuban Missile Crisis was a great American victory. To further confound a situation that was already complicated by long term misunderstanding and deliberate deception, a number of military and political mishaps occurred. For instance, the fact that an American plane was shot down over Cuba almost triggered a U.S. air strike because it was interpreted as a Kremlin initiated action. Evidence has shown, however, that this was a purely local effort on the part of the Cubans to assert their independence. Similar problems occurred in the US administration, as CIA officials undertook unauthorized operations that gave the Cubans even more reason to anticipate an American invasion. This lack of central control made communication vitalfor the whole world,16 as the White House at least, recognized. In a conflict involving nuclear weapons, Kennedy said, even if these are only valuable for their psychological effect, every precaution must be taken to prevent an accidental outbreak of war. It is clear, then, that the Cuban Missile Crisis was born out of mutual but conflicting desires to appear strong in the context of an intense ideological war. During the years leading up to the event, a number of factors, the most important of these being the threat of nuclear war, combined to escalate existing tensions to dangerously high levels. In addition, the fact that neither side was willing to acknowledge that relations were deteriorating meant that the situation was further complicated by diplomatic exchange. When the conflict broke out in 1962, both Khrushchev and Kennedy stumbled through negotiations as they weighed up various concerns: how to protect their public image at home, and yet, at the same time, undermine the enemys position; how to keep up in the arms race while avoiding nuclear war. These things, and may others ensured that any resolution of the crisis would have to offer a military quid pro quo which would diffuse the nuclear conflict without causing either superpower to lose face. The fact that Soviet and American officials still disagree about the details of the eventual agreement, however, shows that it was more the (nuclear) restraint that was practiced and expected17 that prevented the outbreak of war than any diplomatic feat. 1 Jonathan K. Reece Revising the History of the Missile Crisis, pg. 34. 2 Robert McNamara as quoted in Jonathan K. Reeces Revising the History of the Missile Crisis, pg. 34. 3 William R. Keych The 20th Century World pg. 304 4 William R. Keych The 20th Century World pg. 304 5 William R. Keych, op cit., pg. 316 6 William R. Keych, op cit. pg. 297 7 Letter from John F. Kennedy to N.S. Khrushchev of Nov. 6, 1962. 8 Soviet Ambassador Kusnetsov as quoted in letter from John F. Kennedy to N.S. Khrushchev of Nov. 6, 1962. 9 The Presidents Address, October 22,nd, 1962. 10 Top Secret document released to the US National Security Archives in January 1989. 11 Ibid. 12 Letter from John F. Kennedy to N.S. Khrushchev of Nov. 6, 1962 13 14 Eisenhower as quoted by Jonathan K. Reece, op cit. page 46. 15 16 Letter from John F. Kennedy, op cit. 17
Saturday, October 26, 2019
A Separate Peace :: Free Essay Writer
Through out the book A Separate Peace, Gene, his growth and harmony seem to change. His opinions, and outlook on life also seem to change as his relationship with Phineas does likewise. Geneââ¬â¢s self-perception changes from insecurity to imitation to independence as his relationship with Phineas changes. à à à à à As the book begins, Gene is unsettled by Phineas and somewhat mystified by him. Like a legend from a western tale. As the book moves on and Finny starts to change Geneââ¬â¢s life, Gene appears to become very insecure and afraid of what will happen next. On page 11 it says ââ¬Å" ââ¬â¢Weââ¬â¢d better hurry or weââ¬â¢ll be late for dinner,ââ¬â¢ I said, breaking into what Finny called my ââ¬ËWest Point strideââ¬â¢.â⬠Which signifies the insecurity phase of Geneââ¬â¢s life. He was a stickler to the rules, didnââ¬â¢t want to be late. He was always concerned with what was right, and proper. But Phineas changes all that in him, and rather quickly too. When Finny decides to skip dinner and wrestle instead, Gene becomes confused, but goes along with his every word, and action. à à à à à Later on in the book, after the accident, when Gene looks at himself in the mirror while wearing Finnyââ¬â¢s clothes, on page 54, it says ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ it was no remote aristocrat I had become, no character out of daydreams. I was Phineas, Phineas to life. â⬠¦ standing there (it seemed) that I would never stumble through the confusions of my own character again.â⬠That meant that following that day, he was going to try to live each day more like Finny. Through out the book Phineas taught Gene more and more about himself, he taught Gene to live each day to the fullest, because you might never have another. à à à à à At the end of the book, once Finny has past away, Gene learns to live life for himself, not through somebody else. He was ready for anything. He no longer ââ¬Å"owedâ⬠anybody anything. He had nothing else to suffer for. On page 195 it sums up the independence part of his relationship with Finny best. ââ¬Å"I was ready for the war, now that I no longer had any hatred to contribute to it.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Improving Health Well Being America Health And Social Care Essay
The United States Department of Health and Human Services ( DHHS ) has put into topographic point a strategic program that will assist embrace all facets of wellness and wellbeing. By embracing safety, affordability, quality and handiness of wellness attention in America they have composed a strategic program for the following 3 to 4 yeas that is designed to assist advance, incorporate, and develop better cognition, and an overall support system to assist the communities for which they serve. The DHHS has both short and long term ends that will assist better the lives of teens, kids, grownups, seniors and vulnerable populations so that they can bask economic independency and societal wellbeing. The DHHS has made a point to specifically make out to different cultural minority groups, same sex twosomes, veterans and at-risk kids. They incorporate the mental, physical, religious and psychological elements of wellness attention so that persons and communities likewise can work at their f ullest capacity.Goals and Aims:Goal # 1The ends and visions of the Department of Health and Human Services are all in line with each other and have a instead ââ¬Ëdomino ââ¬Ë affect on each other. Their chief focal point is on protection, bar, and result for Americans of all ages and ethnicities. Their first end is to better the safety, quality, affordability and handiness of wellness attention, including behavioural wellness attention and long-run attention. In making so they have besides outlines their four chief aims. They plan on broadening wellness insurance and long-run attention coverage, increasing wellness attention service handiness and handiness, bettering wellness attention quality, safety, cost, and value, and recruiting, developing, and retaining a competent wellness attention work force.[ 1 ]The DHHS Mission Statement:ââ¬Å" The Department of Health and Human Services promotes the physical, societal and emotional wellbeing of the occupants of the United States, in conformity with province and county ordinances. â⬠The DHHS Vision Statement:ââ¬Å" We will be recognized as one of the taking wellness and human services sections in the province. â⬠The DHHS Valuess:CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: ââ¬Å" We believe that the bureau ââ¬Ës success is dependent on run intoing our client and community demands and transcending their outlooks. â⬠Choice IMPROVEMENT: ââ¬Å" We believe in uninterrupted plan and service rating that leads to betterment of our procedures and results. â⬠Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY: ââ¬Å" We believe in being responsible stewards of the financial resources of our bureau and guaranting that those clients with the greatest demand are served. â⬠Leadership: ââ¬Å" We believe that staff have the capacity to be effectual leaders and that leading is an indispensable constituent of the success of our bureau. â⬠Teamwork: ââ¬Å" We believe that unfastened communicating and squad decision-making are indispensable for the achievement of our bureau mission and vision. â⬠Organizational Excellence: ââ¬Å" We believe in furthering a work civilization that promotes committedness to the bureau mission and values, pride and common regard among staff and encourages personal growing. â⬠Goal # 2The DHHS 2nd end is to concentrate on public wellness publicity and protection, disease bar, and exigency readiness: Prevent and control disease, hurt, unwellness, and disablement across the lifetime, and protect the populace from infective, occupational, environmental, and terrorist menaces. Their aims include the undermentioned: Preventing the spread of infective diseases, protecting the populace against hurts and environmental menaces, advancing and promote preventative wellness attention, including mental wellness, lifelong healthy behaviours, and recovery, fixing for and respond to natural and manmade catastrophes. 1 Concentrating its displacement on human services, the U.S. Department of Health & A ; Human Services has incorporated the 3rd end into their program of advancing the economic and societal wellbeing of persons, households and communities with a focal point on strength and independency. Their aims include the undermentioned: Promoting the economic independency and societal wellbeing of persons and households across the lifetime. Protecting the safety and further the wellbeing of kids and young person, and promoting the development of strong, healthy, and supportive communities, and turn toing the demands, strengths, and abilities of vulnerable populations.1 The U.S. Department of Health & A ; Human Services are in conclusion seeking to concentrate their attempts on scientific research and development by progressing scientific and biomedical research and development related to wellness and human services. Their aims include Strengthening the pool of qualified wellness and behavioural scientific discipline research workers. Increasing basic scientific cognition to better human wellness and human development. Conducting and supervising applied research to better wellness and wellbeing, and eventually, pass oning and reassigning research consequences into clinical, public wellness, and human service pattern. 1Internal Analysis: Healthy Peoples 2010The U.S. Department of Health & A ; Human Services takes the thought of partnerships really earnestly. They have aligned themselves with assorted wellness organisations in such a manner that they about appear to hold a monopoly in the large universe of public wellness. In making so, they have form ed strong partnerships with the Office of the Secretary, The Administration for Children & A ; Families, The Administration on Aging, The Agency for Healthcare Research & A ; Quality, The Agency for Toxic Substances & A ; Disease Registry, The Centers for Disease Control & A ; Prevention, and of class the Centers for Medicare & A ; Medicaid Services.1 This confederation helps give them the competitory advantage that they need on a national degree. This allows them to raise the saloon high and set the criterions of US health care today. They are to a great extent involved in policy devising and turn overing out programs to advance fitter persons in all metropoliss, at all ages and their strategic program incorporates their ill-famed Healthy People 2010 scheme. In this 5 twelvemonth program, the DHHS programs on puting forth a set of disease bar and wellness publicity aims for the State to accomplish over the first decennary of the new century. Overarching ends are to increase quality and old ages of healthy life and extinguish wellness disparities.1One on One: An Interview with the Planning Dept.In an interview with Audrey Mirsky-Ashby, from the DHHS Department of Planning and Evaluations, she stated that, ââ¬Å" all of our advancement must continually be evaluated and re-evaluated on a annual footing. We report to the secretary general on our advancement in these one twelvemonth increases. â⬠When inquiring what their long term and short term ends were she provided me with a nexus to their 2009 high spots which outlined one time once more their mission to heighten the wellness and wellbeing of Americans by supplying for affectional wellness and human services and by furthering strong, prolonging progresss in the scientific disciplines implicit in medical specialty, public wellness and societal services.2 Ms. Mirsky-Ashby besides stated the ââ¬Å" importance of remaining in line with our strategic program by printing all budget paperss, strategic ends an d what we have accomplished and the steps we ââ¬Ëve reported on. â⬠Knowing that their strategic program covers FY 2007-FY2012, when asked what she feels their advancement has been therefore far after about 2 old ages into their program, she stated ââ¬Å" we ever advise people to look at the secretary general ââ¬Ës executive statement to reply that inquiry. â⬠Ms. Mirsky-Ashby feels that ââ¬Å" we are right in line where we should be. â⬠When asked about competition and where she feels the DHHS stands in a competitory market construction, she stated she ââ¬Å" did n't experience she was the right individual to reply that inquiry â⬠but mentioned that ââ¬Å" at the DHHS we have over 300 authorities run wellness plans and that in relation to other smaller authorities wellness bureaus they have a $ 700 billion budget and that, entirely, is difficult to vie against. â⬠When asked to notice on the mission statement of the organisation, Ms. Mirsky-Ashby said that ââ¬Å" the DHHS strategic program by jurisprudence must reflect their mission statement. â⬠When thanking her for the interview she claimed she felt our inquiries were ââ¬Å" more geared toward private health care organisations, non public/government-run 1s. â⬠As anyone can see the Department of Health and Human Services had carefully followed its strategic program merely like the Zuckerman theoretical accounts suggests in its Objectives subdivision of the trigon ( pyramid ) , they have analyzed their short term ends twelvemonth by twelvemonth and maintained a mensurable, realistic manner. The Healthy Peoples 2010 enterprise is a nice half manner meeting point for the DHHS to assist supervise advancement in the center of their strategic program because it falls right between 2007 and 2012. Healthy People 2010 contains 467 aims in 28 different countries. These focus countries are watched under two chief ends: to increase quality and old ages of wellness life, and to extinguish wellness disparities.3 This helps supply a set of indexs to assist place an country necessitating wellness betterments, and even discusses how to run into those ends. For illustration this peculiar focal point country of baccy usage has 2 indexs: to cut down coffin na il smoke in teens by 20 % by the twelvemonth 2010, and in grownups by 12 % . This would fall under the Action class in the Zuckerman text.4External Analysis: What about Alternate Medicine?Unfortunately no where in the DHHS strategic program does it advert anything about alternate therapies for health care, like stylostixis, or any sort of support specifically allocated towards any type of alternative/ complimentary medical specialty therapies or services. It is these services that are normally non covered by Medicaid or Medicare. These services have been long ignored by authorities bureaus and are contending an acclivitous conflict with the pharmaceutical industry. The strategic program lacks any sort of impressions or thoughts in relation to preventative attention through cheaper steps, like vitamins, supplementation, anti-aging, hormone replacing therapies, optical maser therapies etc. Some might reason that this type of ââ¬Å" ancient eastern medical specialty â⬠is a waste of authorities support and surveies sing these therapies are unneeded. However these therapies can assist bring around some of the implicit in causes of malignant neoplastic diseases, aging, and neurological diseases. In an article in Life Extension magazine, the Food and Drug Administration ( portion of the DHHS ) halted all surveies on DMSO ( dimethyl sulfoxide ) an cheap compound that demonstrates powerful anti-inflammatory and analgetic belongingss shown to alleviate musculoskeletal and urinary conditions, ulcerative inflammatory bowel disease, herpes, Down ââ¬Ës syndrome, arthritis, and may even assist prevent malignant neoplastic disease and Alzheimer's.5 It is things like this that the DHHS wo n't apportion support for. The article suggests that perchance one ground the authorities withholds funding for research is because pharmaceutical and biotech companies do n't see any profitableness in it and are coercing authorities bureaus, with their heavy anteroom in Washington, to keep back support. These state of affairss are coercing eager patients to turn to the cyberspace and the ââ¬Å" black market â⬠for drugs like these. It has been wondered if the DHHS and authorities bureaus are n't taking the alternate medical specialty community earnestly, and in the article Dr Jacob explains that, ââ¬Å" a given drug or medical specialty will handle a given disease or more, but a curative rule is an wholly new construct in therapy. ââ¬Å" 6 Some say the authorities is afraid of alteration, and ca n't see the bigger image, but this one illustration of a drug unavailable to most patients should assist the DHHS see the value and look past the short-sidedness of its long term preventive benefits.Decision: They ââ¬Ëve got it Covered!The Department of Health and Human Services truly has a ââ¬Ëleg up ââ¬Ë on any competition that would of all time come their manner. They have gone far beyond covering the merely issues confronting public wellness today . They have accurately followed, evaluated and monitored the patterned advance of their 5 twelvemonth strategic program. They are non afraid to shut the spread between health care and accessing it at all degrees. They have implemented plans for all ages, races, faiths and even at-risk and vulnerable populations to assist them be more educated in their health care picks. Their Mission and vision for today is all embracing and touches on how to better wellness and safety for all populations to assist guarantee that no 1 is left behind in their strive to better the wellness safety and wellbeing of America.AAAA
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Comparison of Meditations in Time of Civil War
Yeats implies that ownership is futile as, with the inevitability of death, comes the inevitability that one day ownership will be lost when-as Yeats puts it-ââ¬Å"the [master is] rideâ⬠. The fact that ââ¬Å"mice can play' once the ââ¬Å"masters buriedâ⬠brings together a new Idea of owning-or possessing-people and the Idea that through this ownership comes a hierarchy which leads to people being treated like ââ¬Å"miceâ⬠. The fact that they can now ââ¬Å"playâ⬠, now that the master has gone, Implies that the master oppressed them through his ownership of them. However this section of the poem where the ââ¬Å"mice playâ⬠is linked to a previous section which talked of dreams.They are linked through rhyme. In the previous section, which starts ââ¬Å"Mere dreams, mere dreams! And continues until ââ¬Å"As if some marvelous empty sea-shell flungâ⬠, has the rhyming scheme A. B. A. B. A. The fact that Yeats has also given the section, that Includes the mice playing, the same rhyming scheme, Indicates that this Is a ââ¬Å"mere dreamâ⬠and that the ownership is still present and needs to be relinquished before they can play. Walcott in particular references the idea that-through the idea that one human owns another-the humanity and the rights of the owned human can be stripped away.This links to Walkout's main theme of the slave trade. The line ââ¬Å"some slave is rotting in this manorial lakeâ⬠shows this idea the best. By describing the lake as ââ¬Å"manorialâ⬠Walcott has linked the ownership of the lake to the death of the slave and thus Implements the owners In the Implied crime. This could lead to the desire to renounce ownership of the lake so as to escape the implementations associated with it. The line: ââ¬Å"protecting the great house/ from guiltâ⬠shows that with ownership comes the need for pride in possessions-also shown in the Yeats poem with the ââ¬Å"escutcheon's oursâ⬠.However, Walcott also makes reference to the idea that the mice can play once the ââ¬Å"masters buriedâ⬠. Walcott has been described by critics as a ââ¬Å"poetry pirateâ⬠from other poets and uses them for his own purposes. This is the most obvious way Walcott challenges the idea of ownership. He takes these lines-such as ââ¬Å"Part of the continent, piece of the mainâ⬠- and uses them ironically for his own meaning. It is often ironic as the original meaning of the lines is normally the opposite of what Walcott uses them for.This contrasts to Yeats-who implied that the idea that the mice can play is a dream-as Walkout's ââ¬Ëpoetry piracy is an example of the mice playing. Indeed it links with the Yeats line: ââ¬Å"And maybe the great-grandson of that houseâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ës but a mouse. â⬠Walcott, a descendant of slaves, is this mouse and-by taking ownership of lines that others own-he is playing. This shows how the shackles of ownership, set upon the slaves in Walkout's p oem, have been relinquished by the inevitability of the loss of ownership and by ââ¬Å"the leprosy of empire. ââ¬
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Compare the role of interest and pressure groups in the UK, France and Russia Essays
Compare the role of interest and pressure groups in the UK, France and Russia Essays Compare the role of interest and pressure groups in the UK, France and Russia Paper Compare the role of interest and pressure groups in the UK, France and Russia Paper Without the ability to access the government directly many outsider groups turn to protest politics or direct action to voice their opinion. The structure of the British political system, with its unitary state and limited separation of powers, is relatively closed, with restricted access available for pressure groups to obtain. However, within the UK, policies are generally formulated by governments after the relevant inside interest groups have been consulted. This has led to a large, but organised and formal array of interest and pressure groups within the country. In contrast, the French system of interest groups has traditionally mistrusted interest groups. The development of interest group activity was hampered by the elite conception of the proper role of the state. However, more recently new patterns of interest group behaviour has emerged, based around autonomous associational activity4 and a decline in protest politics. Unlike the UK, main economic and social groups are highly fragmented. For example, trade unions are not differentiated functionally under one umbrella organisation such as the TUC in the UK. The large organisations which are in place for unions are often internally divided creating more problems for the French system. Similarly, Russia is hindered by poorly organised and incoherent interest groups. Pressure groups with strong links to the Soviet-party state often perpetuate influence. Other groups are notoriously weak and find difficulty gaining support due to the restrictions placed on the media. Corporatism is a relationship between the state and interest groups in which major decisions on domestic matters emerge from discussion between the government and a few peak associations. 5 In return for their influence these favoured groups are expected to ensure the compliance of their members. Russian pressure groups are well known for internal influence and corruption of the government. The separation between public and private sectors, so central to the organisation of interests in the West, has not emerged in this democracy and this has led to an unnatural balance of power. Many private entrepreneurs compete for wealth which can be extracted from previously state-owned industries. Although Trade Unions have broad membership, they are co-opted by management and government and avoid direct links with non-governmental political parties. This means they are limited in their influence and can be quickly overruled by more influential players such as the financial industrial groups. The government allows tacit abuse of union power if it means they will gain support. In France there have been a limited number of examples of corporatism between unions and government. In agriculture a close relationship developed between the state and the FNSEA (National Organisation of Small Farmers.) French officials handed the organisation a set of selective incentives with which to consolidate support in the countryside. Despite the lack of trust in pressure groups from the French government there have been a number of examples of corporatism in the French system. Therefore it can be concluded there are still a few features of corporatism in France. In contrast the UK can be catagorised as one of the least corporatist countries. The problem lies more with individuals. Although large financial donations must be declared, there is no specific upper limit to the extent of a group or individuals generosity to a political party. Evidence of this was apparent in the run-up to the 1997 General Election, when the Labour party was offered i 1 million from Bernie Ecclestone, the Chief Executive of the FIA. Thus, when the issue of tobacco sponsorship legislation was addressed in the Commons after the election, it was little surprise that its abolition was set back five years. Apart from corruption and close government relations, pressure groups seek to gain support and influence by employing protest politics methods. Historically it is the trade unions who are likely to instigate direct action. France has a strong tradition of protest politics. There is a relatively small trade union movement in France and it is clearly focused on direct consultation with the administration, particularly since the strengthening of presidential government and the weakening of the National Assembly in the Fifth Republic of 1958. Although the trade union is now seen as a far more legitimate social actor6 than was previously the case in France, there is a decline in members of unions. At its high point in 1975, only 24 per cent of the French workforce belonged to a union, this fell to just 13 per cent in 19897. Regardless of this, the country does have a history of direct action, demonstrated by the rebellion of students and trade unionists during the political troubles of May 1968. Indeed, pressure politics has always moved readily to the streets in France, resulting in a reputation for mass demonstrations and public disruption. Similarly, there is a history of industrial action and protest politics in the UK. For example, the Countryside Alliance marches in 2002 and the General Strike in 1926. However, the amount of direct action is clearly less than that of France as the system of negotiation between the government and groups is fully integrated. The Russian system is known more for crime related to policy decisions rather than direct action from the public masses. The operation of the secret police (FSB) has created an atmosphere of fear within Russia and has made public marches and protests near impossible. Therefore although there is a history of disruption and unrest in Russia, characterised by the Bolshevik revolution of 1917, the current situation does not allow enough freedom for groups to voice their opinion in protest politics. Overall a number of similarities and differences can be identified in the pressure groups of the UK, France and Russia. These can be attributed to the different political and historical backgrounds of each of the countries. For example, it is impossible that the Russian system would be as democratically liberal at the UK after the previous authoritarian state. However, the current style of personal rather than institutional8 pressure politics does not look all together hopeful for the future in Russia. Similarly, the tradition of protest politics within France is unlikely to subside. Regardless of how the pressure groups within each country gain power, they all influence government. Their role in each country is of key importance to policy decisions. Therefore they are a very influential force for governments to deal with. Resources R. Elgie S. Griggs (2000) French Politics Debates and Controversies (London 2000) J. Forbes N. Hewlett (1994) Contemporary France (Essex 1994) R. Hague M. Harrop (2001) Comparative Government and Politics (Hampshire 2001) A. Heywood (2002) Politics 2nd Ed . (Hampshire 1997) W. Grant (2000) Pressure Groups and British Politics (London 2000) M. Olson (1982) The Rise and Decline of Nations (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1982) J. Richardson (1993) Pressure Groups (New York 1993) S.White et al, (2001) Developments in Russian Politics 5 (London 2001) 1 A. Heywood (2002) Politics 2nd Ed . (Hampshire 1997), p272 2 M. Olson (1982) The Rise and Decline of Nations (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1982), p78. 3A. Heywood (2002) Politics 2nd Ed . (Hampshire 1997), p422 4 R. Elgie S. Griggs (2000) French Politics Debates and Controversies (London 2000) p 147 5 R. Hague M. Harrop (2001) Comparative Government and Politics (Hampshire 2001) p 161 6 J. Forbes N. Hewlett (1994) Contemporary France (Essex 1994) p35 7 A. Heywood (2002) Politics 2nd Ed . (Hampshire 1997), p278.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Animal Farm Summary
Animal Farm Summary George Orwells Animal Farm is an allegorical novel about a group of farm animals who take over their farm in 1940s England. Through the story of the animals revolution and its aftermath, Orwell assesses the failures of the communist revolution in Russia. Chapters 1-2 The novel opens at Manor Farm, where Mr. Jones, the cruel and incompetent farmer, is drunkenly going to sleep. As soon as the lights in the farmhouse go out, the animals gather. Old Major, an elderly boar whos lived on the farm for a long time, has called a meeting. At the meeting, Old Major describes a dream he had the previous night, in which the animals lived together without humans. He then launches into an impassioned speech. In the speech, he argues that humans are the enemies of all animals, and he urges the animals of the farm to organize and rebel against the humans. Old Major teaches the animals- who have varying degrees of intelligence- a song called Beasts of England in order to instill a sense of revolutionary fervor in them. Old Major passes away three days later. Three pigs named Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer use this sad event to rally the animals. When the animals, who are starving, break into the store shed, Mr. Jones attempts to whip them. The animals revolt and drive Mr. Jones, his family, and his employees off the farm in terror. Napoleon and Snowball quickly organize the animals and remind them of Old Majorââ¬â¢s teachings. They give the farm a new name- Animal Farm- and hold a meeting to vote on rules. Seven fundamental principles are adopted: Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.No animal shall wear clothes.No animal shall sleep in a bed.No animal shall drink alcohol.No animal shall kill any other animal.All animals are equal. Snowball and Napoleon order that these principles of Animalism be painted on the side of the barn in large white letters. The cart-horse, Boxer, is particularly excited and declares that his personal motto will be ââ¬Å"I Will Work Harder.â⬠Napoleon does not join the animals in the harvest, and when they return, the milk has disappeared. Chapters 3-4 Snowball undertakes a project to teach all the animals on the farm how to read and write. Napoleon takes charge of a litter of young puppies in order to teach them the principles of Animalism. He takes the puppies away; the other animals never see them. The animals work together and know the business of the farm very well. For a time, the farm is peaceful and happy. Every Sunday, Snowball and Napoleon gather the animals for a meeting in which they debate what to do next and vote. The pigs are the smartest of the animals, and so they assume leadership and create the agenda every week. Snowball has many ideas for improving the farm and the lives of the animals, but Napoleon is against almost all of his ideas. When the animals complain that they cannot remember so many of Animalismââ¬â¢s commandments, Snowball tells them that all they have to remember is ââ¬Å"Four legs good, two legs bad.â⬠Neighboring farmers are afraid that a similar overthrow could take place on their own farms. They band together with Mr. Jones to attack the farm with a gun. Snowball thinks quickly and organizes the animals into an ambush; they surprise the men and chase them off. The animals celebrate the ââ¬Å"Battle of the Cowshedâ⬠and confiscate the gun. They decide to fire the gun once a year to commemorate the battle, and Snowball is hailed as a hero. Chapters 5-6 At the next Sunday meeting, Snowball suggests building a windmill, which will provide electricity as well as grind grain. He makes a passionate speech arguing that the windmill will make their lives easier. Napoleon gives a short speech opposing the matter, but he can tell he has lost the argument. Napoleon makes a sound, and suddenly the dogs he took away for education- now fully grown- burst into the barn, snarling and biting. They chase Snowball away. Napoleon tells the other animals that Snowball was their enemy and had been working with Mr. Jones. He announces that the meetings are no longer necessary, and that Napoleon, Squealer, and the other pigs will run the farm for the benefit of everyone. Napoleon decides to build the windmill after all. Work commences on the windmill- Boxer works especially hard at it, excited at the easier life they will have when it is done. The animals notice that Napoleon and the other pigs begin to act more like men: standing on their hind legs, drinking whiskey, and living inside. Whenever someone points out that this behavior violates the principles of Animalism, Squealer explains why they are wrong. Napoleons leadership becomes increasingly totalitarian. When a storm causes the windmill to collapse, Napoleon deflects blame by telling everyone that Snowball sabotaged it. He corrects the animals about their memory of the Battle of the Cowshed, insisting he was the hero they all remember, and that Snowball was in league with Mr. Jones. He accuses various animals of being in league with Snowball; his dogs attack and kill each one he accuses. Boxer accepts Napoleons rule, repeating ââ¬Å"Napoleon is always rightâ⬠as a mantra as he works harder and harder. Chapters 7-8 The windmill is rebuilt, but another farmer, Mr. Frederick, gets into a disagreement over a business deal with Napoleon and uses explosives to destroy the new windmill. Another battle ensues between the animals and the men. The men are once again driven away, but Boxer is severely injured. The animals discover Squealer with a can of white paint; they suspect the Animalism principles painted on the barn have been altered. Chapters 9-10 Boxer continues to work, driving himself to do even more despite his injuries. He grows weaker, and eventually collapses. Napoleon tells the animals he will send for a veterinary hospital to come get Boxer, but when the truck arrives, the animals read the words on the truck and realize Boxer is being sent to the ââ¬âºknackerââ¬â¢ to be made into glue. Napoleon has sold Boxer for whiskey money. Napoleon and Squealer deny this and claim that the truck had recently been purchased by the hospital and hadnââ¬â¢t been repainted. Later, Napoleon tells the animals that Boxer passed away under a doctorââ¬â¢s care. Time passes. The windmill is rebuilt again and generates a lot of income for the farm, but the lives of the animals get worse. No longer is there talk of heated stalls and electric lights for all. Instead, Napoleon tells the animals that the simpler their lives are, the happier theyââ¬â¢ll be. Most of the animals who knew the farm before the revolution are gone. One by one, the principles of Animalism have been erased on the side of the barn, until only one remains: ââ¬Å"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.â⬠The simplified motto has been changed to ââ¬Å"Four legs good, two legs better.â⬠The pigs have become almost indistinguishable from the men: they live inside, wear clothes, and sleep in beds. Napoleon invites a neighboring farmer to dinner to discuss an alliance, and changes the name of the farm back to Manor Farm. Some of the animals peer into the farmhouse through the windows and cannot tell which are the pigs and which are the men.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The House of Atreus in Classical Greek Tragedy
The House of Atreus in Classical Greek Tragedy Today we are so familiar with plays and movies that it may be difficult to imagine a time when theatrical productions were still new. Like many of the public gatherings in the ancient world, the original productions in Greek theaters were rooted in religion. The City Dionysia Festival It didnt matter that they already knew how the story ended. Athenian audiences of up to 18,000 spectators expected to watch familiar old stories when they attended the Great or City Dionysia festival in March. It was the job of the playwright to interpret familiar myth, slices (temache) from the great banquets of Homer, in such a way as to win the dramatic contest that was the center of the festival. Tragedy lacks a spirit of revelry, so each of 3 competing playwrights produced a lighter, farcical satyr play in addition to three tragedies. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the three tragedians whose works survive, won first prizes between 480 B.C. and the end of the 5th century. All three wrote plays that depended on thorough familiarity with a central myth, the House of Atreus: Aeschylus Agamemnon, Libation Bearers (Choephoroi), and EumenidesSophocles ElectraEuripides ElectraEuripides OrestesEuripides Iphigenia in Aulis The House of Atreus For generations, these god-defying descendants of Tantalus committed unspeakable crimes that cried out for revenge: brother against brother, father against son, father against daughter, son against mother. It all began with Tantalus- whose name is preserved in the English word tantalize, which describes the punishment he suffered in the Underworld. Tantalus served up his son Pelops as a meal to the gods to test their omniscience. Demeter alone failed the test and soà when Pelops was restored to life, he had to make do with an ivory shoulder. The sister of Pelops happens to have been Niobe who was turned to a weeping rock whenà her hubris led to the death of all 14 of her children. When it came time for Pelops to marry, he chose Hippodamia, the daughter of Oenomaus, king of Pisa (near the site of the future ancient Olympics). Unfortunately, the king lusted after his own daughter and contrived to murder all her more appropriate suitors during a (fixed) race. Pelops had to win this race to Mt. Olympus in order to win his bride, and he did- by loosening the lynchpins in Oenomaus chariot, thereby killing his would-be father-in-law. In the process, he added more curses to the family inheritance. Pelops and Hippodamia had two sons, Thyestes and Atreus, who murdered an illegitimate son of Pelops to please their mother. Then they went into exile in Mycenae, where their brother-in-law held the throne. When he died, Atreus finagled control of the kingdom, but Thyestes seduced Atreus wife, Aerope, and stole Atreus golden fleece. Thyestes went into exile, again. Eventually, believing himself forgiven, he returned and ate the meal to which his brother had invited him. When the final course was brought in, the identity of Thyestes meal was revealed, for the platter contained the heads of all his children except the infant, Aegisthus. Adding another creepy element to the mix, Aegisthus may have been Thyestes son by his own daughter. Thyestes cursed his brother and fled. The Next Generation Atreus had two sons, Menelaus and Agamemnon, who married the royal Spartan sisters, Helen and Clytemnestra. Helen was captured by Paris (or left willingly), thereby starting the Trojan War. Unfortunately, the king of Mycenae, Agamemnon, and the cuckolded king of Sparta, Menelaus, couldnt get the warships moving across the Aegean. They were stuck at Aulis because of adverse winds. Their seer explained that Agamemnon had offended Artemis and must sacrifice his daughter to propitiate the deity. Agamemnon was willing, but his wife wasnt, so he had to trick her into sending their daughter Iphigenia, whom he then sacrificed to the goddess. After the sacrifice, the winds came up and the ships sailed to Troy. The war lasted 10 years during which time Clytemnestra took a lover, Aegisthus, the lone survivor of Atreus feast, and sent her son, Orestes, away. Agamemnon took a war prize mistress, as well, Cassandra, whom he brought home with him at the end of the war. Cassandra and Agamemnon were murdered upon their return by either Clytemnestra or Aegisthus. Orestes, having first obtained the blessing of Apollo, returned home to exact revenge on his mother. But the Eumenides (Furies)- only doing their job with respect to a matricide- pursued Orestes and drove him mad. Orestes and his divine protector turned to Athena to arbitrate the dispute. Athena appealed to a human court, the Areopagus, whose jurors were split. Athena cast the deciding vote in favor of Orestes. This decision is upsetting to modern women because Athena, who had been born from the head of her father, judged mothers less important than fathers in the production of children. However we might feel about it, what was important was that it put an end to the chain of cursed events.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Analysis of Business Continuity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analysis of Business Continuity - Assignment Example Similarly, the ââ¬Å"whatâ⬠question is with regards to which aspects of the firm or business entity/organization will be impacted upon and directed in the result of an emergency response. Further, the ââ¬Å"howâ⬠question delves into the actual mechanics of emergency response and the means by which these will be carried out. Additionally, the ââ¬Å"whereâ⬠question refers to the actual physical location in which emergency response and business continuity operations will be affected. By engaging each of these respective considerations, firms are universally able to engage in emergency response preparation and planning as a function of effecting business continuity in the face of a disaster or emergency of some size. Although the preceding list is not an exhaustive discussion of the way in which a business or organization should affect the responsibility, it helps to give a brief overview of some of the key considerations that must be made prior to any business conti nuity operations being delineated. Similarly, the second phase of business continuity is necessarily crisis management. It is at this particular stage that many firms and organizations have evidenced a distinct weakness. Whereas it is relatively obvious that emergency response should be considered and engaged within the firm, the actual implementation of crisis management is oftentimes ignored up until the moment in which it is required. As a function of their understanding crisis management and delineating key compliments, the following section will be concentric upon analyzing the importance of timely, organized, structured, and planned crisis management. With respect to timing, the current era has witnessed a drastic change in the way the information is disseminated; oftentimes new stories can travel the globe engage with stakeholders within a matter ofà moments.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Discussion Chapter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Discussion Chapter - Essay Example The communication style of a manager is more aggressive as compared to leaders and the communication style used by leaders is more manipulative (Cherry, 2013). Leaders communicate in an aggressive manner because their objective is to simply get the work done. Managers do not listen to what their subordinates have to say regarding how work can be done and instead they inform the subordinates regarding the way the work should be done and expect the subordinates to follow the instructions (Yukl, 2010). In case of leadership, the leader tries to manipulate the feelings and the emotions of their followers in order to motivate them to work on their own and come up with innovative ideas regarding how tasks should be completed. The motivation strategies that a leader and a manager may use might be quite different. Managers are more likely to use extrinsic motivation strategies. When managers employ these strategies they tend to offer rewards to subordinates in order to externally motivate the subordinates (Yukl, 2010). These rewards can include increased pay rates as a result of attainment of targets in order to reinforce similar behavior in future. On the other hand, leaders are more likely to use motivation strategies that help motivating an individual internally (Sansone, 2000). For example leaders may have quite an aspiring personality and followers may want to be associated with them and in order to gain recognition in the eyes of the leader they may work hard. In order to enhance the individual and the organizational productivity managers may use the carrot and stick approach to motivate employees. The carrot and stick approach suggests that employees should be punished for their failures and should be rewarded for their successes (Daft et al., 2008). A manager may use rewards and punishments to motivate individuals to increase their
Man of the House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Man of the House - Essay Example They will act as the fathers of these children and become a "househusband". Essentially, they will accomplish different household chores that a normal father would do, plus doing the laundry, cooking for the kids and other tasks that the children's mothers will assign them. The guys will not be allowed to talk with their girlfriends during that span of time, but the children's mothers will report how their boyfriends fared. The guy who will perform best will win, and the prize will be the couple's dream wedding. The show has a great potential because it is a reality show that will maintain redeeming values. Not only that it promotes values, just think about all the possibilities about how the groom-to-be's will fare as fathers to some children. Definitely there will be comical incidents that will spontaneously happen in between. The show will also feature a romantic side, as audience will behold the guys completing these challenges just to offer their fiances the wedding of their dreams. With guys acting as the "Man of the House", the show emulates a family-oriented scenario that is apt to be viewed by people of all ages. Unlike other reality shows which feature adult topics, this show will cater to much wider audience share. It is a show that deals with guys getting the real picture of how to become a "perfect" father to his children. In
Thursday, October 17, 2019
COLLABORATIVE OR PRINCIPLED NEGOTIATION - Assignment Example It will also be very important not to ignore the fact that principled negotiation is thorough in terms of the factors that are considered and the presentation of the various requirements of the software stakeholders. This is a technique that has proved to be effective for a person who intends to separate the problem from the stakeholders. For example, clients might not have the same computing background as the suppliers or developers. This implies that there should be a way through which the requirements can take into consideration the difference in the nature of the differences of the stakeholders if in any case the project is to become a success. This is a method that can also enable engineering of requirements to be based on the interests of the negotiators rather than their positions. Through focusing on the interests, a software developer might be able to determine the common ground for all the stakeholders. This is basically because he nature of the software that is developed will need to be in accordance to the requirements of the suppliers and the end users. This negotiation approach also allows for the invention of mutual gain. One thing about computers system is that they usually evolve with time. For instance, in this case it was discovered that the money that was availed by the government would not be sufficient for the required hardware for the necessary spreading of implementation functionality. Therefore, the negotiation process led to the division of the whole project into phases with the first phase being the most important one which was food control. The division into phases was a result of thorough study of the interests of the stakeholder and looking of the most appropriate way through which all the stakeholders would be satisfied even with the limited resources. The fact that people rarely change their positions,
Research report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Research report - Assignment Example Participants strategically disclose private information so as to create connections with others that further have impacts on their relationships. The individuals who are highly connected through social media view this as normal parts of the day to day life. The study explains the concept of cyber stalking in greater theoretical depth and uses qualitative data to examine the practice and effects of individuals surveying each other using social media sites. The study also monitors the theory of social media in promoting and facilitating stalking in the modern society. On the last section of the study, I focus on examples of discourse to show how cyber stalking is carried out in the day to day life. What motivates people to engage in it and the impacts on participants? The qualitative data of this research study draws from the use of social media and modern technologies like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The quotes in this paper are representatives of the attitudes and the practices among the participants in technologically mediated social lives and using social media to monitor others. During the study, three hundred undergraduate students were interviewed during a preliminary examination of causes of broken relationships. Ninety percent of the responses were emotions, unwanted courting that lead to termination of relationships thus extending to cyber stalking. Most of them upload photos and videos of other people making cyber stalking occur in both non-consensual and sexual fashions, and this leads to invasion of the individualââ¬â¢s privacy. They encroach on the private, virtual space or other peoples timeline on social media leading to sexual harassment. It is an unwelcome form of Cyberstalking as it resembles sexual harassment undertaken in a clandestine way (Easttom, & Taylor, 2011). It is clear that social crime is reciprocal. People post content with high expectations that others will view it. Some go to an extent of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
COLLABORATIVE OR PRINCIPLED NEGOTIATION - Assignment Example It will also be very important not to ignore the fact that principled negotiation is thorough in terms of the factors that are considered and the presentation of the various requirements of the software stakeholders. This is a technique that has proved to be effective for a person who intends to separate the problem from the stakeholders. For example, clients might not have the same computing background as the suppliers or developers. This implies that there should be a way through which the requirements can take into consideration the difference in the nature of the differences of the stakeholders if in any case the project is to become a success. This is a method that can also enable engineering of requirements to be based on the interests of the negotiators rather than their positions. Through focusing on the interests, a software developer might be able to determine the common ground for all the stakeholders. This is basically because he nature of the software that is developed will need to be in accordance to the requirements of the suppliers and the end users. This negotiation approach also allows for the invention of mutual gain. One thing about computers system is that they usually evolve with time. For instance, in this case it was discovered that the money that was availed by the government would not be sufficient for the required hardware for the necessary spreading of implementation functionality. Therefore, the negotiation process led to the division of the whole project into phases with the first phase being the most important one which was food control. The division into phases was a result of thorough study of the interests of the stakeholder and looking of the most appropriate way through which all the stakeholders would be satisfied even with the limited resources. The fact that people rarely change their positions,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Research/analyze the contemporary globalization of one place Research Paper
/analyze the contemporary globalization of one place - Research Paper Example This paper will give detailed proofs of how shanghai has undergone globalization and expanded from being local to international levels. The main mission of this paper is to enhance a better contact with shanghai. The underlying premise depicts that Shanghai is a rich city for Globalization. Instead of viewing globalization as an external factor influencing Shanghai, this paper will show how globalization is inherent in the city of Shanghai and that the investigation of the distinctive features of Shanghai starting from the abandoned factories which are now viewed as creative clusters, to the Lilong architectures, luxury malls and street peddlers lights up the world globalization both in the past and the future. The main factors that have led to shanghai globalization are the tourism attractions, the Shanghaiââ¬â¢s resurgence, competition of the Chinese cities and the tale of two cities (shanghai and Hong Kong). There are other unmentioned factors that have seen shanghai in to globalization. Shanghai is a global city which sees itself as the city of the future. This continued belief of the Shanghai globalization is driven by the history of the city. With this in mind, questions like can shanghai reanimate the cosmopolitanism of its past? Will its attempts of fostering a culture of creativity succeed? Can it bear an urban golden age that is energetic and innovative enough to influence the rest of the world just like New York or London arise. First shanghai will be viewed as a model of development and trading partner for India. (Liu, 786). Secondly, the city will be regarded as one of the important zones of economic opportunity within the larger Chinese world. Without the global business networks of the Taiwanese, Hong Kong and the Chinese American entrepreneurs, shanghai city would not have risen to higher levels. Additionally, the city will be viewed as a magnet for the migration within the country of China. Back in the old
Monday, October 14, 2019
GM Food Essay Example for Free
GM Food Essay You are required to write an article titled GM Food on the basis of websites and sofewares. In the article, you are expected to present the points as follows: the definition of GM food, the possible prospects and problems, your attitude towards GM food. The article should be no less than 500 words. Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering, using a process of either Cisgenesis or Transgenesis. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. Typically, genetically modified foods are transgenic plant products: soybean, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil. Last year, the Ministry of Agriculture awarded the safety cerfiticate to two kinds of transgenic rice, and this triggered a large-scale discussion. Many people oppose it and refuse to eat GM foods. They objected to GM foods on several grounds such as: â⬠¢ GMFââ¬â¢s have not been a success, there is no test in human being. The GM foods maybe change human gene in future. â⬠¢ Genetically modified crops will affect other plants around them and change other species, then more and more species will vary or disappear. â⬠¢ GM foods have the advantage in both price and output, so traditional farmers will lose the market. Then few companies who have transgene proprietary technology will control food market. On the contrary, many proponents of GM foods have other opinions: â⬠¢ People eat GM foods, then the foods are analysed and assimilated like normal foods, there is no theory to support that GM foods will change human beingââ¬â¢s gene. â⬠¢ There is a food supply issue in the developing world, in order to meeting the demand for food and confronting the climate change we need to increase use of GM crops. â⬠¢ The GM crops use less pesticide, It is more safty than normal crops. Actually, more and more GM foods appear in our lives. When you have dinner in the restaurant, maybe you eat the GM oil, GM corn and GM rice, but you just donââ¬â¢t know. Genetically modified food is science brings us the product, now of cultivated land area of less, genetically modified food will play more and more important role, if the use of transgenic technology can solve the world food shortage problem, it is not quite good? Genetically modified food in the world now is a kind of new things, new things, people need time to promote its accept also need some time, we cannot put new things in the cradle, a stick to it from the beginning, that cannot be eaten of genetically modified food. You think we dont of hybrid rice is a genetically modified food? But we can open it from? And if they can pass the soybeans genetically modified technique using atmospheric nitrogen inside his produces fertilizers to other crops gene transfer in the mankind, it is. Everything is both sides, especially technology, science and technology is a double-edged sword? Genetically modified food has its disadvantages, like some worry, because it will not change, will destroy genetic evolution, etc. Genetically modified food and nutrition inside it isnt like that, the propaganda of people worry is understandable, after accepting a new things take time. But we also should see the benefits of them, I think as time slowly past, genetically modified foods will be accepted by people.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The leadership challenge faced by Toyota
The leadership challenge faced by Toyota My decision to work on Toyota is related to a moving scene I saw on television few months ago .Under the media spotlight, Akio Toyoda (Toyota CEO) was standing tearful under a giant display bearing the name of the company. This emotional reaction is the story of a senior leader who commits their life to the business, such a vulnerability is atypical enough to study the case. How Toyota, recognized as model in terms of management, can meet such tragic situation? The consequences of poor crisis management could severely damage the reputation of a company thats why every company must be prepared for crisis. This is the case with Toyota, one of worlds leading auto makers. I have decided to work on Toyota case to show how a company known for its reliable and innovative products , an exemplar of production efficiency with a perfect storm of rapid growth , can become a company with a series of product defects that has caused deaths and put many consumers at risk. Is it a technological matter or a leadership crisis?, What has been Toyotas solutions for crisis response? Toyoda went into hiding and sent American CEO Jim Lentz to make apologies. The issues of product quality became out of control. This left the media, politicians, and consumers to dictate the conversation, while Toyota was looking for the responses. This situation without a proper solution and explanation let people talk and imagine the worst things. Artful apologies and confused plans for resolution have been made to face this crisis. If you have a leader who isnt capable to deal with global issues of this significance level, should he be in the leadership position? What makes a true leader? In this work, I will try to understand how the Prince became the no show Akio Toyoda. For that I will first focus on the external analysis to identify the market place of the company, then I will emphasize on the internal analysis that is to say more specifically the cultural aspects of this company moral , management, attitude at work, with a special focus on the leadership concept. Finally, I will make recommendations that will help Toyota to handle the crisis well. 2)The external analysis The impact of the crisis on the company is huge. When customers lose trust with companies the impact is high. Toyotas customers are meeting a kind of identity crisis. There is a discrepancy between what they were expected from the company and the reality. They expected Toyota to have the highest quality, best reliability and great safety. Because of the crisis, people who used to buy Toyotas think that the value of their car has decline since the problem of confidence began. Twenty seven percent of customers surveyed that said they were considering a Toyota prior to the recall now say they no longer are considering the brand for their next vehicle purchase. Now nearly half of the car buyers who have defected from Toyota say they are not sure if they will consider the brand again, even once Toyotas problems are resolved. This is showing how the impact is huge and how a long term work need to be made to restore customers confidence. It is the main difficulty that Toyota will have to confront. Which is as well a tough nut to crack is that Toyota build all his philosophy on the concept of quality. This shows in quantifiable terms the impact of this crisis of confidence on future purchases. To me it seems that Toyota has losing its focus on customers and has payed more attention to market share and profits, millions upon millions of Americans were buying their automobiles believing Toyotas promises. Moreover Competition will be even more stronger. Rivals will take advantage of Toyotas crisis particularly Ford. Its a competitive market . I think it is important to realize the impact of a break down in trust with customers. In the case of Toyota, the company will see falling profits and possibly losses that may extend well into the future. By some estimates their US dealers are losing over $2B per month. The manufacturing line has been shut down at two US plants with more closings possible. None of this takes into consideration parts suppliers and the economic impact on all those who either do business with Toyota or provide goods and services to Toyotas dealers and their employees. Why is all this happening? We dont have a lots of information on the specific problems, we can guess from the Toyota executives appearances before congress that it was because Toyota lost its essence of what they valued. The old values of quality and customers first were replaced with growth and profitability. Competition is increasing almost daily with new entrants coming into the market from China , South Korea ,Toyota faces tremendous competitive rivalry in the car market, Toyota should not forget what make its fame: reliability How could this happen? We can imagine that leaders like Toyoda did not want to hear from anyone something that is going to slow down the growth train. Even one of the best corporate systems, such as the Toyota Production System, can be subverted by fear and greed. We can say that Toyota has done many things right in responding to the crisis: Talk to the media , using all canals( facebook, twitter, diverse websites) to reassure customers. But it seem that whatever Toyota says now, and however well it acts, there is a sense that it ignored the problem until it was forced to take action. If it stinks, put a lid on it. Toyota follow this japanese proverb to sort out the problem. Toyoda didnt accept to face the reality it is a management crisis and develop a lack of trust from the customers. To react properly, this requires an organisational culture that is vigilant for potential crises, has open lines of communication from staff to management, and a willingness to address unpleasant truths. . The challenge is created by two elements of culture: firstly, an obsession with quality, which means that anything less than perfection is seen embarrassing. As a consequence, problems with quality are literally inconceivable. The second interlinked element of culture is a hierarchical approach to management and a lack of open communication. People who are at the best placed to spot early signs of crisis feel unable to point out flaws. As a result, problems unresolved until they explode into a major crisis. Another reason why Toyota has such a major challenge on its hands is that this crisis touch at the essence of its reputation. Toyota has built its reputation on quality and reliability, and anything that calls this into question is especially threatening. This is a lesson for all organisations: understand what lies at the heart .It is essential that the company remains true to these values in its approach to crisis management . Toyota company has failed to get ahead of events and take control. It looks like the crisis is managing Toyota rather than vice versa. Toyoda, the chief executive, should have been the face of the organisation during this major crisis. No chief executive can be absent from the public eye when the business is in the middle of a crisis It is not necessarily the reality of how a business manages a crisis that will determine its success. Its how the organisation is perceived to have managed the crisis: We know the importance of public relation and the organization of a proper communication. Get it right and the organisations reputation and value can be protected; get it wrong and serious damage can result. In this context, the role of the media spokesperson is pivotal, even in this age of social media. Observers draw conclusions based not just on what the spokesperson says, but also their body language, and tone of voice. executives like Toyoda are unlikely to represent their organisation well in a crisis when they disapear in front of serious crisis Toyota should have create the right culture to avoid crisis , developing workable crisis management plans and processes, and training managers likely to be part of a crisis response team this would have play a large part in determining the success of the organisation in the event of a crisis. Full recovery requires continued communication and actions to regain the trust of customers affected by the crisis. If Toyotas recent troubles encourage more businesses to recognise the impact that crises can have on a businesss long-term reputation and take steps to protect themselves as a consequence, then at least some goodwill has come from recent events. But I am sure that Toyota could regain most if not all of its lost market share with a vigorous marketing campaign and reassurances on quality but for that one step more need to be overcome: a deep and radical changes in terms of culture, moral and management approach. This is what we are going to study in the second part. . the internal analysis We have seen that the impact of the crisis on the external market share is mainly financial now we will focus on the cultural , philosophical, organizational matters. I will try first to sum up what make the specificity of Toyota. A) Philosophy: Before we build a car , we build people why do I exist? That s the question we try to answer through the philosophy. In Toyota company it is fundamental. The company built a long term thinking asking what is the meaning of our organization? where do we want to go?Toyota based its management decisions on a long term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals to build a sustainable success. They also generate value for the customer , the society and the economy.They align the organization toward a common goal that is bigger than making money. Toyota has turned operational excellence into a strategic weapon not because of the tools and quality improvement methods but a deeper business philosophy rooted in understanding of people and what motivates them. Its success is ultimately based on its ability to develop leaders, build teams, and nurture a supportive culture, to devise strategy, to build deep supplier relationships, and to maintain a learning organization. B) Toyota leadership model: Toyota leaders are builder of learning organization. The aim is to grow leaders who understand the work, leave the philosophy and teach it to others.The leaders real challenge is to develop people so they are strong contributor to the organization but also having the long term vision of knowing what to do, the knowledge of how to do it and the ability to develop people. Leaders at Toyota, like anywhere want to see measurable results. But they know that the financial result is a result of a process. They also realize that the financial reflect the past performance of that process. Good Toyota leaders dont jump to conclusions they try to first size up the situation and then ask why.All action at Toyota revolve around planning and problem solving, for the system to work problems must be exposed. Toyotas way provides extraordinary focus, direction, control, while at the same time they provide maximum flexibility. Three keys to toyotas leadership: Go see, ask why and show respect: getting people to think and take initiative is key! The leaders job at Toyota is to act as a teacher, get each person to take the iniative to solve problems and improve his job, ensure that each persons job is aligned to provide value for customer and prosperity for the company.Leaders must be the role of models, he understand the daily work.So coaching , promote from within the team is key to success. Toyota emphasize on the fact that their role is to develop exceptional people and teams who follow the companys philosophy.They usually use a cross functional teams that is to say a group of people with different functional expertise working toward a common goal. It may include people from finance, marketing, operations, and human resources departments. Typically, it includes employees from all levels of an organization. Members may also come from outside an organization (in particular, from suppliers, key customers, or consultants). Cross-functional teams often function as self-directed teams responding to broad, but no specific directives. Decision-making within a team may depend on consensus, but often is led by a team leader. They also continuously teach people how to work together, because team work must be learned, they want to reinforce the culture continually. The way they solve problem is also interesting : go and see for yourself to thoroughtly understand the situation : It s a really pragmatic approach of problem solving , they go to the source to observe and verify data. Don t theorize on the basis of what people and computers tell you They want to have a true relation with the reality and even high level managers should do this. In Toyotas culture we talk about consensus decision all decision are made slowly by consensus, considering all options. They also implement decision rapidly discussing problem and potential solutions with all involved. B) motivation theory: Maslows need hierarchy looks at motivating people as equivalent to satisfying their internal needs. When you work for Toyota , your lower level needs are covered. Youre well paid, you have job security and youre working in a safe, controlled environment. Toyotas culture emphasizes the use of challenging work situation to build self confidence. Its a culture of continuous improvement. Herzbergs theories are similar to Maslow but they are focus on characteristics of work that are motivators.Their absence will cause a dissatisfaction, but providing a person more and more of them will not positively motivate. Toyota has done a good job. Indeed , for example people are responsible only for a tiny piece of an overall product and work repeatedly , to make the task more motivating they worked on designing assembly line to improve job enrichment. Toyota organizes teams around complete project from start to finish. Having the responsibility of participating in the project from the beginning to the end empowers the employee. They also provide job rotations, they allow people to be proactive in solving problems and they develop autonomy other the tasks. About the external environnement theory, we can notice from Taylors scientific management based on reward with money performance relative to standards that all scientific management principles are followed but at the group level rather than individual level and based on employee involvement. About the goal setting that is to say : set specific, measurable , achievable challenging goals and measure progress, Toyota sets goals that meet these criteria through the policy deployment and the continuous measurements is relative to targets. B)Managing people Toyota has taken various steps to build high performance teams: Step 1: Orientation. This is about the visionary leadership.A leader need to be guide and the vision must be different, unexpected.It must be memorable , stick in the mind.The leader also have to exemply the vision to give concrete dimesion to the vision.This step is vital because if a vision is not shared the success of a project may be risky. The group needs strong direction from the leader and must understand the basic mission, rules of engagement, and tools the members will use. This step is fundamental, a leader have to share purpose and vision to have the support of all the team. Its a condition to build a sustainable success. A leader and his team need to wonder , what kind of organization are they going to build?To build a challenging but achievable goals, the goals that everyone wants and shares Step 2: Dissatisfaction. To avoid discouragement the leader need to build blocks of sustainable success , it could be for example about values.How do we do things round here?Are our values real or window dressing? These reflexions need to involve the inclusive company to be efficient. After going to work, the members discover it is harder than they thought to work as a team. In this stage, they continue to need strong direction (structure) from the leader but also need a lot of social support to get through the tough social dynamics they do not understand. Step 3: Integration. At this stage people become more independent, they understand the meaning of the work.The difficulty is to balance flexibility and control. The group starts to develop a clearer picture of the roles of various team members and begins to exert control over team processes. The leader does not have to provide much task direction, but the team still needs a lot of social support. Step 4: Production. The group becomes a high-performing team, no longer dependent on the leader. In Toyota people do the same mindless task repeatedly and are responsible only for a tiny piece of an overall product. Toyota has tryed to enrich jobs in various ways, to give a meaning to this repetitive work they organized job rotation, various kinds of feedback on how workers are doing at their jobs, it let a significant work group autonomy over the tasks. They redesigned its assembly lines so that the parts that make up a subsystem of the vehicle are installed in one specific area on the assembly line. Rather than a work group assembling electrical systems and then putting in floor mats and then door handles, a work group might focus almost exclusively on the electrical system under the hood., Toyota also organized teams around complete projects from start to finish. For example, the design of the interior of the vehicle is the responsibility of one team from the design phase through production. Participation in the project from beginning to end enriches and empowers the employee. Empowerment of the employee is as well key to success. Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behaves, take action, and control work and decision making in autonomous ways. It is the state of feeling self-empowered to take control of ones own destiny. The organization has the responsibility to create a work environment which helps and give to people the ability and desire to act in empowered ways. Toyotas trouble : crisis or opportunity? As we studied, Toyota company is knowing as reliable and strong organization , on the other hand during the recent recall crisis the company showed weaknesses that we could not imagine. Lets have a critical analysis about what happened.. It seems that the crisis that Toyota met is mainly a problem of communication.Both internal and external communications must be timely and effective. Ongoing daily phone conferences need to be conducted to obtain the latest status and to share information. In addition, status reports must be e-mailed to all interested parties on a daily basis. External communication has to be managed to avoid misinformation being leaked to the media. Moreover leaders need to be visible during crisis but it is also a lake of humility. They didnt take seriously the risk of quality, they were not enough prepare to this risk, they saw themselves as untouchable but we know that even a good company can be involved in crisis. Their strategy is a long term one, they were not prepared to face such an immediate crisis , may be because of their lake of realism. They didnt keep the contact with reality through an efficient communication. We know how listening is an important attribute for a leader and it seems that Toyota company with its hierarchical structure is not prepared to collect information from all the employee. Its a possibility for them to reassert their value and to think their organisation more as living organism that need to adapt to this unpredictable context. We can also be critical about the concept of consensus team decision making, for Japanese it is the essence of decision.Its interesting to talk about the difference of culture that exist between European and Asiatic management. In our country we mainly emphasis on the answer to the question , for Japanese the important element is defining the question that is why they need a consensus to find out what the decision is really about , this can explain the difficulties they meet to find in a short time a good solution. Toyota could turn their crisis situation into an opportunity and build clear channels of communication with the public, improving their relationship and calming the fears of millions of car owners. 4) Recommendations and conclusion Its not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent but rather the one the most responsive to change Charles Darwin Toyota needs leader with credibility and with a clear plan. Toyoda need to see himself as change agent, representing, and protecting the group. He needs to learn how to deal with resistance but also take a risk and to confront the reality. He should, as well, know how to cope with complexity, ambiguity , uncertainty .A real leader is the one who view mistakes as a learning opportunity. There is real challenges of change. For the moment we can see Toyoda as a hiders, the one hoping the change will go away it is not the role of a leader, on the other hand he has to enable the group endure hard times. So lets talk about few recommendations to change the way to lead: 1) Face the reality. Toyoda did not want to face the problem and did not take his responsibility in the crisis . We expect from a leader to be courageous instead of that Toyoda hide the reality.He should have said that he pushed too hard for growth and neglected quality. By admitting his errors, he gives every Toyota employee permission to acknowledge mistakes and to get on with correcting them, instead of denying reality. 2: Get the world off your shoulders. Toyoda cannot expect to solve problems of this magnitude himself. Instead, he needs a crisis team reporting directly to him, working to get problems fixed permanently. He also needs outside counsel, as he appears to be listening only to insiders who are defensive about criticism. He should add the worlds top quality experts to his fix-it team and listen carefully to their advice. 3: Understand the real causes of the crisis. When Toyotas problems first surfaced, the company blamed a symptom loose floor mats and exonerated the accelerators. Instead, management should have required its best engineers to get to the root cause of this problem and every other quality problem being reported. This is basic engineering and quality discipline. 4: Crisis will have effects on a long term.It is going to be worst before getting better.So the organization need to be prepared to face a long term crisis. It will take years to resolve the trust crisis. Toyota must invest heavily in corrective actions while its sales shrink and profits implode, requiring major cash resources until its reputation can be restored. 5:We can change the crisis to an opportunity to restore Toyota quality. The crisis is melting away the denial and resistance that existed in recent years. For sure Employees are waitingfor new direction, and they want to make radical changes to renew the company. With Toyodas leadership, Toyota automobiles can be restored to the worlds highest quality.It is the moment to rebuild brand loyalty and to demonstrate the value and the promise in the answer to the problem. 6: Leaders personify the reputation of a company: In a crisis, people insist on hearing from the leader. Akio Toyoda cant send out public relations specialists or his American executives to explain what happened. Toyoda must come out of hiding, take personal responsibility, Then he should make a personal commitment to every Toyota customer to repair the damage, including buying back defective cars. 6: Leaders need to move quickly to solve causal operational issues, erring on the side of overcompensating. 7: After this crisis Toyoda need to focus on future success. Its important to focus also on the future , the long term benefits, trying to see the opportunity to win market share because afetr this crisis, the market will never look the same. GM and Ford are rapidly regaining market share, while the confidence of Toyotas loyal customers is badly shaken. Toyota cannot wait until all its quality problems are resolved. The company need a reactivity. It must play defense and offense simultaneously. To win, Toyota need to offer advanced features and superior quality, better value for consumers, greater safety, and improved fuel efficiency. I believe this is a great company that will resurrect its reputation and restore its leadership. But there is a lots of effort to make: first it is obviously most important to solve the problems with their cars.. But they also may be find new way to communicate with their customer using for example the social web. It seems that their responses have appeared a little slow and awkward. Giving consumers information about the recall in more pedagogic way, easily understandable. A leader should have a clear message .They should explain exactly what theyre doing, why things will be different in the future. Toyoda did not manage this crisis as we expect a real leader will do.He did not go past the emotional when customers and also employee from the company were waiting for a solutions. It show to us the affective link that a leader can build with his company, but people were expected from him a rational approach. On the other hand I am convinced that even if it is a long term working, particularly trying to regain the customers trust, the company with its reputed story , their experienced know how will be back .Its for them the opportunity to change practices , to work on crisis management ,and to change their organizational work beliefs. Bibliographie: The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the Worlds Greatest Manufacturer de Jeffrey K. Liker Jeffrey Krames, Jack Welch and the 4Es of Leadership, How to Put GEs Leadership Formula to Work in Your Organization, McGraw-Hill, 2005 CONGER, J.A. et B. BENJAMIN, Buildind Leaders, Ãâ°ditions Jossey Bass, 1999. GOLEMAN, D., à « Leadership that gets results à », Harvard Business Review, 2000, marsavril, 78-90. HEIFEZT, R.A., à « The Work of leadership à », Harvard Business Review (1997, janvierfà ©vrier), LAPIERRE, L. (à ©d.) à « Le leadership à », numà ©ro spà ©cial de Gestion, revue internationale de gestion, septembre 2008. NORTHOUSE, P.G., Leadership : Theory and Practice, Sage (deuxià ¨me à ©dition) 2001. YUKL, G. Leadership in Organizations, Prentice-Hall (premià ¨re à ©dition), 1981. Satoshi kamata,demopolis, Toyota , lusine du dà ©sespoir, 2008 Dirk Bosenberg and heinz Metzen, à ©dition dorganisation, à « le Lean management à »,1994 Taiichi ohno à « Toyota Production System : beyond Large- Scale Production à » ,1978 Taiichi OHNO à « Prà ©sent et avenir du Toyotisme à », Masson , Paris, 1992 James P. Womack, Daniel roos, Dunod, Paris , 1992
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